Membership Application
MEMBERSHIP YEAR 1st July - 30th June
The committee and members of Lake Pedder Anglers Club Inc invite you to join our club.
We ensure new members and their families feel very welcome. While they are still valued members and the backbone of our club, we are no longer an older persons club. Our membership has evolved over the years with the membership demographic becoming younger. The majority of our membership is currently in the 20 - 50 year age group. One of our unique facts is that within the club there is a large number of families with multiple generations in the membership. These groups originated from the hydro workers who lived in Strathgordon and fisherman based in the old Strathgordon caravan park.
We are truly a family friendly club with activities able to be provided during competitions that help to occupy the kids. These events were more structured and heavily promoted in the past. Events in recent years have been planned around weather, how well the lake is fishing and the age of children who turn up to competitions. Over the years events have included; bingo evenings, colouring in competitions, Quiz to do when the fish are not biting, movie nights, family discos, spot light walks to see the native animals and education sessions such as fly tying, fish cake lessons, fly fishing lessons, flare demonstrations, park ranger or MAST sponsored lessons related to fishing and marine safety.
A series of natural disasters and bushfires caused our Australia Day Competition to be cancelled 3 times too many resulting in a financial strain on the club. Following this the committee have implemented a strategy to move away from a focus on the Australia Day Competition as the major club event and when memberships were due. From 2021 the annual Membership year has been changed to 1st July - 30th June. Monthly fishing events are held and well attended by members - see our events calendar on the competitions and home page of this site. Non fishing social events are also held. All events are promoted through this site and our Facebook page.
We are not just another fishing club, join up to find out how great we are. Lifelong friendships develop and we often hear members referring to "my pedder family" who are very supportive of our members and each other in times of need. You will gain the hidden benefits such as companionship, friendship and mentorship, learning the finer art of trout fishing from both our sponsors and long term members. Many of our sponsors will also be present at club events and have been long term supporters and members of the club.
For many years the club has had a charity focus. When there are larger numbers in attendance at competitions we often hold a fundraising activity raising funds to support a local family. Members are welcome to submit ideas each year between September and November for a family who would benefit from the clubs support. We commence fundraising for the year each January.